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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Garden Journal June 28 2015

Welcome To My Gardens

I know that I have not written here in a while.  That is due to nothing really happening in the garden right yet.  I am just letting things grow as they should.  So this morning I went out and took some pictures of all my vegetables in their garden beds to show you the progress that they have made.

The first ones that I have pictures of is my cucumbers.  It seems like they have had blooms on them for a week now but are starting to have tiny cucumbers on them.  Oh and I did see a bumble bee pollinating them on Friday evening.

I think that I finally got them in my area and I think it is because I have planted some white clover in my yard.  They now have lots of things to get their meals from and pollinate at the same time.  I am hoping that will be the same for the humming birds that I have feeding at my feeders. I also have a bit of Bee Balm growing up front too.  Last year they did not flower, but they are flowering this year.  They are pretty to look at.  Perhaps I will take some out of the wheel barrow and plant them in other places in my yard.

Next stop is the Tomatoes.  I have lots of tomatoes growing.  I have so many that I might just get enough of the first picking to make a couple of jars of marinara sauce and put up for the winter.  I have many tomatoes on my Yellow Boys, Roma's and small ones starting on my Beef Steak Tomatoes too.  Almost time to get busy again.

Friday before it rained I added some more of the Thuricide to my lettuce and spinach bed because I was all those baby orange centipedes growing and crawling around in there.  I also saw some sow bugs and both of them are dining on my lettuce and spinach plants.  I think the plants are done in that bed anyway.  I am not sure what I can plant in there now.  I tried cantaloupe seeds, but they didn't grow.  That might be due to those bugs that love to eat roots and seeds.  We shall see.

I also put the Thuricide on my Peppers and they are doing so much better now.  We had lots of rain all day yesterday and I think that helped everything too.

I have squash on my Yellow Straight Neck Squash plant!  I also have lots more flowers on it so that will produce even more.  I think that I may cut the small squash off and add it to my Ham and Rice dish.  I have my ham bone in the crock pot today and will make the rice and the vegetables later today.  That's dinner!

My Purple Green Beans are coming around nicely.  I grew these last year but I waited to long until Pi harvested them that they weren't very tasty.  I also read on the packet that they turn a bright green when you cook them.  I will be picking these for daily meals or so and might have enough to freeze for later eating. We shall see how that goes though.

Well that is about all for now.

Until next time......


  1. Looks like you're doing a great job with growing things to eat. The bees love white clover in our garden - they're all over it like a rash. I'm growing tomatoes but it will likely be end of july/aug before they get fruit on here in the UK. It's been pretty cloudy this year which is not helping.

  2. Well, that certanly went through. I now wonder if it isn't the other people's server. Mystery to me.
    Thanks for the comment. We have had lots of rain this year too and now today it is windy.

  3. I admire how well everything is growing in your garden now. You will have plenty of fresh vegetables to eat and to can.

  4. Hi Aya, nice to see your comment went through too. Yes, things are really progessing here. Thanks for visiting.
