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Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Garden Journal All My Spring Flowers

My Bearded Iris in the Summer 2014

Someone told me that they liked all my pictures of all the things that I am planting in my gardens. All of the ones that are starting to peek their heads out are bulbs.  I love bulbs because they are very pretty and I can have them each and every year.  I have found that some kinds you cannot kill.  At least for me that is a good thing.  Anything else that I have planted that are annuals or house plants, I tend to nurture them too much and kill them.  

Going around my gardens today these are the pictures that I took to share with your all.

Pink Hyacinth in my lower garden

Purple and some Yellow Bearded Iris and they do increase in numbers every year and I cannot kill these.

Yellow Daffodils just popping their heads out.
Some of my neighbor's have already flowered completely.
Mine are always the last to come out.

Astilbes are coming out now in the upper part of this garden.

Another picture of my garden that is furthest away from the house.
Notice the slope of our land

The garden that you see here is the one full of Bearded Irises, Lily of The Valley and some Hyacinths.

Front garden directly in front of the house.  These Hyacinths are naturalizing at a slow pace.
I wish they would double or triple their pace.

We have a Forsythia tree!!  I did not have to buy one!
I will take a cutting off of it and root it and plant it in the fall.  I hope to plant it in our back yard.

© Debra K. Allen a.k.a Lady Guinevere

I researched and wrote this article. Please do not copy and paste any part of this article, picture included for your own use. I will find you and report you for stealing.  It is my right to change any information therein at any time and/or change the location of my article. 


  1. I love all your flower pictures, and especially the irises and the hyacinths. I have some irises coming up, but they don't have their flowers yet. I did not plant them, so it is true they live on without much care.

    1. I just love free plants from Nature. I started with about 10 Irises from a friend at my husband's work about 4 years ago. I have thinned out the garden several times since. I have gived many away. I have planted some along the road on our property. I tried to divide them one year and throw the spent part in the woods....and they grew!! They need no care at all and they multiply like weeds.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. It has taken years to get it this far.
